Sunday, June 8, 2008


i stayed up late last night. followed that by waking up late.
after showering and eating me and my grandparents traveled
to where my Aunt Dorothy is being kept. She had a stroke and
now she mumbles everything, and when you you can hear she
doesn't really make sense. she didn't remember who i was.
she looked really mad at me, out of nowhere. it was way too
much to handle. a'll never forget that look.
its been a rough week/ weekend.
i'm up late now. again. of course.
finishing my paper for a class i'm failing.
i worked hard on it. i hope it pays off.
tomorrow i have to go to my sisters dance recital.
after that i'll probably just end up passing out.
i'm so tired. i can't keep up.
i'm going back to being a hermit for a while.
i need to hibernate again. live in my bed and in my head.
goodnight friends.

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